Chapter 14: Python Code for Multiprocessing, drmaa and Computation Clusters


  • First 2 tasks are constrained to a parallelism of 3 shared jobs at a time
  • Final task is constrained to a parallelism of 5 jobs at a time
  • The entire pipeline is constrained to a (theoretical) parallelism of 10 jobs at a time
from ruffus import *
import time

# make list of 10 files
@split(None, "*stage1")
def make_files(input_files, output_files):
    for i in range(10):
        if i < 5:
            open("%d.small_stage1" % i, "w")
            open("%d.big_stage1" % i, "w")

@jobs_limit(3, "ftp_download_limit")
@transform(make_files, suffix(".small_stage1"), ".stage2")
def stage1_small(input_file, output_file):
    print "FTP downloading %s ->Start" % input_file
    open(output_file, "w")
    print "FTP downloading %s ->Finished" % input_file

@jobs_limit(3, "ftp_download_limit")
@transform(make_files, suffix(".big_stage1"), ".stage2")
def stage1_big(input_file, output_file):
    print "FTP downloading %s ->Start" % input_file
    open(output_file, "w")
    print "FTP downloading %s ->Finished" % input_file

@transform([stage1_small, stage1_big], suffix(".stage2"), ".stage3")
def stage2(input_file, output_file):
    print "Processing stage2 %s ->Start" % input_file
    open(output_file, "w")
    print "Processing stage2 %s ->Finished" % input_file

pipeline_run(multiprocess = 10, verbose = 0)


>>> pipeline_run(multiprocess = 10, verbose = 0)

>>> # 3 jobs at a time, interleaved
FTP downloading 5.big_stage1 ->Start
FTP downloading 6.big_stage1 ->Start
FTP downloading 7.big_stage1 ->Start
FTP downloading 5.big_stage1 ->Finished
FTP downloading 8.big_stage1 ->Start
FTP downloading 6.big_stage1 ->Finished
FTP downloading 9.big_stage1 ->Start
FTP downloading 7.big_stage1 ->Finished
FTP downloading 0.small_stage1 ->Start
FTP downloading 8.big_stage1 ->Finished
FTP downloading 1.small_stage1 ->Start
FTP downloading 9.big_stage1 ->Finished
FTP downloading 2.small_stage1 ->Start
FTP downloading 0.small_stage1 ->Finished
FTP downloading 3.small_stage1 ->Start
FTP downloading 1.small_stage1 ->Finished
FTP downloading 4.small_stage1 ->Start
FTP downloading 2.small_stage1 ->Finished
FTP downloading 3.small_stage1 ->Finished
FTP downloading 4.small_stage1 ->Finished

>>> # 5 jobs at a time, interleaved
Processing stage2 0.stage2 ->Start
Processing stage2 1.stage2 ->Start
Processing stage2 2.stage2 ->Start
Processing stage2 3.stage2 ->Start
Processing stage2 4.stage2 ->Start
Processing stage2 0.stage2 ->Finished
Processing stage2 5.stage2 ->Start
Processing stage2 1.stage2 ->Finished
Processing stage2 6.stage2 ->Start
Processing stage2 2.stage2 ->Finished
Processing stage2 4.stage2 ->Finished
Processing stage2 7.stage2 ->Start
Processing stage2 8.stage2 ->Start
Processing stage2 3.stage2 ->Finished
Processing stage2 9.stage2 ->Start
Processing stage2 5.stage2 ->Finished
Processing stage2 7.stage2 ->Finished
Processing stage2 6.stage2 ->Finished
Processing stage2 8.stage2 ->Finished
Processing stage2 9.stage2 ->Finished

Using ruffus.drmaa_wrapper

job_queue_name    = "YOUR_QUEUE_NAME_GOES_HERE"
job_other_options = "-P YOUR_PROJECT_NAME_GOES_HERE"

from ruffus import *
from ruffus.drmaa_wrapper import run_job, error_drmaa_job

parser = cmdline.get_argparse(description='WHAT DOES THIS PIPELINE DO?')

options = parser.parse_args()

#  logger which can be passed to multiprocessing ruffus tasks
logger, logger_mutex = cmdline.setup_logging (__name__, options.log_file, options.verbose)

#   start shared drmaa session for all jobs / tasks in pipeline
import drmaa
drmaa_session = drmaa.Session()

@originate(["1.chromosome", "X.chromosome"],
           logger, logger_mutex)
def create_test_files(output_file):
        stdout_res, stderr_res = "",""
        job_queue_name, job_other_options = get_queue_options()

        #   ruffus.drmaa_wrapper.run_job
        stdout_res, stderr_res  = run_job(cmd_str           = "touch " + output_file,
                                          job_name          = job_name,
                                          logger            = logger,
                                          drmaa_session     = drmaa_session,
                                          run_locally       = options.local_run,
                                          job_queue_name    = job_queue_name,
                                          job_other_options = job_other_options)

    # relay all the stdout, stderr, drmaa output to diagnose failures
    except error_drmaa_job as err:
        raise Exception("\n".join(map(str,
                            "Failed to run:"

if __name__ == '__main__': (options, multithread =
    # cleanup drmaa