See also


@files (input1, output1, [extra_parameters1, ...])

@files for single jobs


Provides parameters to run a task.

The first two parameters in each set represent the input and output which are used to see if the job is out of date and needs to be (re-)run.

By default, out of date checking uses input/output file timestamps. (On some file systems, timestamps have a resolution in seconds.) See @check_if_uptodate() for alternatives.

from ruffus import *
@files('a.1', 'a.2', 'A file')
def transform_files(infile, outfile, text):
If a.2 is missing or was created before a.1, then the following will be called:
transform_files('a.1', 'a.2', 'A file')


  • input

    Input file names

  • output

    Output file names

  • extra_parameters

    optional extra_parameters are passed verbatim to each job.

Checking if jobs are up to date:

Strings in input and output (including in nested sequences) are interpreted as file names and used to check if jobs are up-to-date.

See above for more details

@files ( (( input, output, [extra_parameters,...] ), (...), ...) )

@files in parallel


Passes each set of parameters to separate jobs which can run in parallel

The first two parameters in each set represent the input and output which are used to see if the job is out of date and needs to be (re-)run.

By default, out of date checking uses input/output file timestamps. (On some file systems, timestamps have a resolution in seconds.) See @check_if_uptodate() for alternatives.

from ruffus import *
parameters = [
                    [ 'a.1', 'a.2', 'A file'], # 1st job
                    [ 'b.1', 'b.2', 'B file'], # 2nd job

def parallel_io_task(infile, outfile, text):
is the equivalent of calling:
parallel_io_task('a.1', 'a.2', 'A file')
parallel_io_task('b.1', 'b.2', 'B file')


  • input

    Input file names

  • output

    Output file names

  • extra_parameters

    optional extra_parameters are passed verbatim to each job.

Checking if jobs are up to date:
  1. Strings in input and output (including in nested sequences) are interpreted as file names and used to check if jobs are up-to-date.
  2. In the absence of input files (e.g. input is None), the job will run if any output file is missing.
  3. In the absence of output files (e.g. output is None), the job will always run.
  4. If any of the output files is missing, the job will run.
  5. If any of the input files is missing when the job is run, a MissingInputFileError exception will be raised.