Chapter 20: Python Code for Manipulating task inputs via string substitution using inputs() and add_inputs()

Example code for adding additional input prerequisites per job with add_inputs()

1. Example: compiling c++ code

# source files exist before our pipeline
source_files = ["hasty.cpp", "tasty.cpp", "messy.cpp"]
for source_file in source_files:
    open(source_file, "w")

from ruffus import *

@transform(source_files, suffix(".cpp"), ".o")
def compile(input_filename, output_file):
    open(output_file, "w")



>>> pipeline_run()
    Job  = [hasty.cpp -> hasty.o] completed
    Job  = [messy.cpp -> messy.o] completed
    Job  = [tasty.cpp -> tasty.o] completed
Completed Task = compile

2. Example: Adding a common header file with add_inputs()

# source files exist before our pipeline
source_files = ["hasty.cpp", "tasty.cpp", "messy.cpp"]
for source_file in source_files:
    open(source_file, "w")

# common (universal) header exists before our pipeline
open("universal.h", "w")

from ruffus import *

@transform( source_files, suffix(".cpp"),
            # add header to the input of every job
def compile(input_filename, output_file):
    open(output_file, "w")



>>> pipeline_run()
    Job  = [[hasty.cpp, universal.h] -> hasty.o] completed
    Job  = [[messy.cpp, universal.h] -> messy.o] completed
    Job  = [[tasty.cpp, universal.h] -> tasty.o] completed
Completed Task = compile

3. Example: Additional Input can be tasks

# source files exist before our pipeline
source_files = ["hasty.cpp", "tasty.cpp", "messy.cpp"]
for source_file in source_files:
    open(source_file, "w")

# common (universal) header exists before our pipeline
open("universal.h", "w")

from ruffus import *

# make header files
@transform(source_files, suffix(".cpp"), ".h")
def create_matching_headers(input_file, output_file):
    open(output_file, "w")

@transform(source_files, suffix(".cpp"),
                        # add header to the input of every job
                        # add result of task create_matching_headers to the input of every job
def compile(input_filename, output_file):
    open(output_file, "w")



>>> pipeline_run()
    Job  = [hasty.cpp -> hasty.h] completed
    Job  = [messy.cpp -> messy.h] completed
    Job  = [tasty.cpp -> tasty.h] completed
Completed Task = create_matching_headers
    Job  = [[hasty.cpp, universal.h, hasty.h, messy.h, tasty.h] -> hasty.o] completed
    Job  = [[messy.cpp, universal.h, hasty.h, messy.h, tasty.h] -> messy.o] completed
    Job  = [[tasty.cpp, universal.h, hasty.h, messy.h, tasty.h] -> tasty.o] completed
Completed Task = compile

4. Example: Add corresponding files using add_inputs() with formatter or regex

# source files exist before our pipeline
source_files = ["hasty.cpp", "tasty.cpp", "messy.cpp"]
header_files = ["hasty.h", "tasty.h", "messy.h"]
for source_file in source_files + header_files:
    open(source_file, "w")

# common (universal) header exists before our pipeline
open("universal.h", "w")

from ruffus import *

@transform( source_files,
                        # corresponding header for each source file
                       # add header to the input of every job
def compile(input_filename, output_file):
    open(output_file, "w")



>>> pipeline_run()
    Job  = [[hasty.cpp, hasty.h, universal.h] -> hasty.o] completed
    Job  = [[messy.cpp, messy.h, universal.h] -> messy.o] completed
    Job  = [[tasty.cpp, tasty.h, universal.h] -> tasty.o] completed
Completed Task = compile

Example code for replacing all input parameters with inputs()

5. Example: Running matching python scripts using inputs()

# source files exist before our pipeline
source_files = ["hasty.cpp", "tasty.cpp", "messy.cpp"]
python_files = ["", "", ""]
for source_file in source_files + python_files:
    open(source_file, "w")

# common (universal) header exists before our pipeline
open("universal.h", "w")

from ruffus import *

@transform( source_files,
            # corresponding python file for each source file

def run_corresponding_python(input_filenames, output_file):
    open(output_file, "w")



>>> pipeline_run()
    Job  = [ -> hasty.results] completed
    Job  = [ -> messy.results] completed
    Job  = [ -> tasty.results] completed
Completed Task = run_corresponding_python