See also

@merge ( input, output, [extras,...] )ΒΆ


Merges multiple input into a single output.

Only out of date tasks (comparing input and output files) will be run


@merge(previous_task, 'all.summary')
def summarize(infiles, summary_file):


  • input = tasks_or_file_names

    can be a:

    1. Task / list of tasks.

      File names are taken from the output of the specified task(s)

    2. (Nested) list of file name strings.
      File names containing *[]? will be expanded as a glob.

      E.g.:"a.*" => "a.1", "a.2"

  • output = output

    Specifies the resulting output file name(s).

  • extras = extras

    Any extra parameters are passed verbatim to the task function

    If you are using named parameters, these can be passed as a list, i.e. extras= [...]

    Any extra parameters are consumed by the task function and not forwarded further down the pipeline.

See here for more advanced uses of merging.